Zarif: B-Team shrinking as Iran’s regional dialog advances

August 3, 2019 - 20:2

TEHRAN – As Iran’s regional dialog and non-aggression pact is advancing the B-Team shrinks, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Friday.

“As Iran's regional dialog & non-aggression pact advance, #B_Team shrinks,” Zarif said in a tweet.

Zarif has pioneered the term “B-Team” to refer to the White House national security advisor John Bolton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, all of whom, he suggests, are unified in their anti-Iran agenda.

In his tweet, however, Zarif was making a reference to recent reports that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been trying to engage in dialogue with Tehran, thus taking a separate path from that of the U.S. and Israeli rulers.

Zarif further said, “US should stop isolating itself & adapt to new global realities. Int'l commerce & power are shifting: neither #EconomicTerrorism against China & Iran nor exiting #INFTreaty with Russia will reverse that.”

The tweet came two days after the U.S. put sanctions on the chief Iranian diplomat, who has become an articulate critic of the Trump administration since it pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear despite international objections.


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